Large adiabatic temperature and magnetic entropy changes in EuTiO3.
We have investigated the magnetocaloric effect in single and polycrystalline samples of quantum paraelectric EuTiO3 by magnetization and heat capacity measurements. Single crystalline EuTiO3 shows antiferromagnetic ordering due to Eu2+ magnetic moments below TN = 5.6 K. This compound shows a giant magnetocaloric effect around its Neel temperature. The isothermal magnetic entropy change is 49 J kg(-1)K(-1), the adiabatic temperature change is 21 K, and the refrigeration capacity is 500 J kg(-1) for a field change of 7 T at TN. The single crystal and polycrystalline samples show similar values of the magnetic entropy and adiabatic temperature changes. The large magnetocaloric effect is due to suppression of the spin entropy associated with the localized 4f moment of Eu2+ ions. The giant magnetocaloric effect, together with negligible hysteresis, suggest that EuTiO3 could be a potential material for magnetic refrigeration below 40 K.