
A number of projects aiming to develop novel smart materials, translational biomedicine technologies and devices for diagnosis, monitoring and treating diseases are currently available in the laboratory. Postdoctoral researchers, research higher degree (PhD, Masters, Graduates, Internships), honours and undergraduate students are welcome to join our group.


Aragón Nanoscience and Materials Institute

C/Pedro Cerbuna 12

50009 Zaragoza (Spain)

Contact Information

Call:  +34 976 76 27 42 Email:

Request for jobs

Masters, Graduates and Internships

The student is required to have a good understanding of physical or mathematical sciences – with experience in the field of condensed matter a distinct advantage. He/She will need to demonstrate adaptability to the multidisciplinary nature of the projects. Masters and Graduates students are encouraged to contact us to express his/her interest.

TFM - Spin densities in organic magnets determined with polarized neutron diffraction experiments.

In our work we are focused in the development of new types of triangular spin networks employing highly isotropic organic radical spins. ....

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TFM - Magnonics with chiral magnets

The chiral solitons stabilized by the DMI are very interesting because they can present advantages over skyrmions...

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TFM - Grinsparg-Wilson fermions in topological matter

The idea is to adapt the formulation of Grinspag-Wilson fermions and its consequences ("index theorem"), developed in the high energy physics field, to the area of topological matter.
Topology and theory of operators will be necessarily combined with quantum field theory and solid state physics.

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PhD opportunities with government and other funded scholarships are available each year, both to domestic and international students.

Key criteria

Domestic students –The students should have strong academic track record (including research and write-up) with first class honours. The student’s research and academic background might be in one or more of natural sciences, chemistry, nanotechnology, physics, and related life science disciplines.

International students – For an international student, s/he is expected to have masters and honours degrees with very strong academic and research background in a relevant field. The students are likely to have an overall IELTS score of 7 or above with a minimum of 6.5 score in each band.

PhD - Neutron Imaging and Tomography to study "in operando" batteries.

To study the crystallographic evolution of lead batteries in real in operando conditions, using wavelength-selective neutron imaging and tomography techniques, in order to increase their energy efficiency. The work will involve experiment design and development of new routines for quantitative image analysis. Experiments will be mainly carried out at the NIST¡ Center for Neutron Research (NCNR, Gaithersburg, MD, USA)....

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PhD - Coming soon...

The chiral solitons stabilized by the DMI are very interesting because they can present advantages over skyrmions...

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PhD - Soon....

The idea is to adapt the "index theorem", developed in the high energy physics field, and conceived with mathematical techniques of topology, to the area of topological isolants

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Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD opportunities with government and other funded scholarships are available each year, both to domestic and international students.

Key criteria

S/he is also expected to have at least two research articles in high impact journal of the field.

OT - Científico de Instrumento

El Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón busca 1 Científico de Instrumento para trabajar en el Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) en Grenoble, Francia, en el futuro difractómetro de neutrones térmicos para monocristales y polvos XtremeD adaptado para trabajar en condiciones extremas de alto campo magnético y altas presiones y operado por el CSIC en régimen de CRG (Collaborating Research Group).

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POST - soon...

The chiral solitons stabilized by the DMI are very interesting because they can present advantages over skyrmions...

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POST - soon....

The idea is to adapt the "index theorem", developed in the high energy physics field, and conceived with mathematical techniques of topology, to the area of topological isolants

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