Magnetic phase diagrams of R-3(Co : Ni)(13)B-2, R=Y and Nd intermetallic compounds.
The magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity and neutron Powder diffraction (NPD) data of the series R3Ni13-xCoxB2, R=Y and Nd are reviewed, and the magnetic phase diagrams are given for the two R substitutions. The influence of the Y substitution by Nd is to increase the cell constants, and the average Co moment. The Ni substitution by Co modifies the magnetic properties from weak itinerant behavior due to the Ni sublattice to strongly coupled Co moments near to the rigid band model. In the Co rich side of the solid solution Nd3Ni13-CoxB2 a spin reorientation transition (SRT) is induced. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.