Novel Synchrotron Radiation Applications in Nanoscience
Novel Synchrotron Radiation Applications in Nanoscience
G. Martinez-Criado
1European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), F-38043, Grenoble Cedex 9, France
The ESRF beamline ID22 is dedicated to hard X-ray micro-analysis consisting of the combination of X-ray fluorescence, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, diffraction and 2D/3D X-ray imaging techniques in a broad energy range (6 – 70 keV). Two stations are clearly identified by the spatial resolution: EH1 microprobe devoted to micro-spectroscopy and ID22NI nanoprobe used for nano-analysis. They permit nondestructive investigation of spatial distribution, concentration and speciation of trace elements and allow these to be correlated to morphology and crystallographic orientation. Both stations are applied to bio-medicine, materials, Earth and environmental sciences. This talk will summarize the present capabilities of the stations, recent technical developments, as well as some of the recent nanoscience related results from data collected at the ESRF. The upgrade plans to adapt the beamline ID22 to the growing needs of the user community will be briefly presented.