15th IEEE MMM-Intermag 2022 in New Orleans (United States)
The 15th Joint MMM-INTERMAG Conference (2022 Joint) was sponsored jointly by AIP Publishing and the IEEE Magnetics Society and chaired by our good friend Prof Victorino Franco, from Seville University.
Members of the international scientific and engineering communities interested in recent developments in fundamental and applied magnetism were invited to attend and contribute to the scientific sessions. The program included invited and contributed papers in oral and poster sessions, invited symposia, a plenary session, and an evening session, with about 1500 presentations overall. This Conference provided an outstanding opportunity for worldwide participants to meet their colleagues and collaborators and discuss developments in all areas of magnetism research.
Three M4 teamwork members attended the MMM-Intermag Conference to keep updated about the latest news regarding the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. and at the same time, to be able to share experiences and knowledge with their colleagues, in particular through the presentation of two oral contributions.