International Workshop on Advanced Characterization of Li-ion Batteries by Neutrons and X-rays
On June the 20th, in Trondheim (Norway) took place the “International workshop on Advanced Characterization of Li-ion Batteries by Neutrons and X-rays”, coinciding with the the Summer Solstice in the Northem Hemisphere (sun rises at 3;00 and sets at 23:40 but stays below the horizon).
The city of Trondheim is located in the center of the country and is seat of the Technical University of Norway, home to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) with its many technical lab facilities and disciplines, University that, along with the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon (INMA), organized this workshop.
The opening was done by Ida Westermann, Head of Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering of NTN, and was followed by a series of presentations on a range of different subjects, all of them focused on meeting the common point, the advanced characterization of Li-ion batteries by Neutrons and X-rays.
“This workshop brought together world experts in advanced neutron and x-ray-based characterization techniques, researchers, and industry representatives to discuss new approaches to investigate the behavior of Li-ion batteries to solve challenges associated to battery performance. Students, researchers, and scientists were welcome to join.”
Here is the link to check the workshop schedule and a brief presentation of every talk:
Advanced Characterization of Li-ion Batteries by Neutrons and X-rays