Larry Falvello, new fellow of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA)
Larry R. Falvello, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, has been a key player in crystallography since this technique became essential in the resurgence of inorganic chemistry and the development of organometallic chemistry. His research program involves the synthesis of novel coordination compounds and studies of their dynamics and physical properties. All of the research is backed by crystallographic studies of the very highest standard and has involved high quality studies of phase transitions and proton-hopping in the stolid state. His contributions are extremely well-executed and presented in complete detail written so both experts and non-experts can understand and appreciate the work.
This is a characteristic of all Larry’s work: He is, at heart, an educator. An outstanding early example of his phase transition studies is of a nickel complex that transforms from Fmmm at room temperature (RT) to Cmcm at lower temperatures; the molecular shape changes noticeably and reversibly from RT to 140K and then by lesser amounts from 140K down to 11K. Both X-ray and neutron diffraction, as well as electronic spectroscopy and studies of the magnetic properties presented an excellent and complete analysis of the process. In his career Larry has trained hundreds of next-generation crystallographers.
He spent 10 years working with F. A. Cotton who, in his memoir, states “During the time he (Larry) was with me I lost all remaining capacity to supervise X-ray crystallographic work in a hands-on way. … Of course, with Larry in charge I had no need to worry about details and technicalities anymore, so I didn’t try. Larry was a wonderful teacher and taught everyone …”
Larry’s independent career began at the University of Zaragoza. Here, besides teaching inorganic chemistry courses, he teaches short courses and modules on crystallography. At other institutions he has taught short and full-scale courses on single-crystal and powder X-ray and neutron diffraction and has led workshops on diffraction methods and specific techniques. He was recently the recipient of the Gold Medal for Distinguished Service in the Development of the Doctoral Program awarded by the Slovakian Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice.
His service to the crystallographic community has been exceptional. The fact that Larry travels to ACA meetings from Spain illustrates his commitment to the organization and its value. He has organized 17 sessions for ACA meetings and they are always well-attended. He has served the IUCr and crystallographic community as the Main Editor for Acta Cryst., Section C, as Editorial Advisory Board member for Section E, and as a member of the IUCr Commission on Publications and CIF Dictionary Management Group. As editor, Larry also shows his love of, and skill in, mentoring; he is kind and patient with authors and shows a willingness to assist them with their efforts, especially for the young and inexperienced.
Larry is a skillful and distinguished researcher who has been an extraordinary mentor to generations of young crystallographers and who has served the crystallographic community enthusiastically and well.