Xth International Meeting of the Spanish Society on Neutron Techniques (SETN)
In the Summer of 2022 the Spanish Society of Neutron Techniques (SETN) organized a new conference for scientists interested in neutron-related researches. The Meeting took place in Almería (Andalusia, Spain) and the organization was in charge of the University of Almería.
The subjects to be dealt with at the meeting, were of great interest: “Physics and Chemistry in their multiple developments, Materials Science and Technology, Biology and directly, diagnosis and medical treatment”. Speakers from all over the world came to share their researchers through oral presentations with time for contributed talks and poster presentations.
Several Multifunctional Magnetic Molecular Materials (M4) members who attended the meeting presented several expositions about their researches:
- “The power of the neutron scattering techniques: basic concepts and examples” (Javier Campo).
- “XtremeD: A new single crystal and powder diffractometer designed for measurements at extreme conditions of pressure and magnetic fields.” (Federico H. Cova, José Alberto Rodríguez Velamazán and Javier Campo).
- Novel incommensurate magnetic phase in the magnetoelectric Sr-doped cobaltate CaBaCo4O7 (J. Lohr A. L. Larralde J. Curiale R. Sánchez, J. Campo G. J.Cuello D. Sheptyakov L. Keller M. Kenzelmann and G. Aurelio).
- In-operando Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Charge/Discharge Processes inside the Postive Electrodes of Commercial Batteries (M. Rodriguez-Gomez, A. Larrea, J. Campo, A. Orera, F. de La Fuente, J. Valenciano, H. Frick, Y. Chen, D. Yun and K. An).
- Spanish-Argentine Collaborations in Neutron Scattering: a long-standing tradition with a bright future. (Gabriela Aurelio).
- “D1B The Spanish Neutron diffractometer” (Inés Puente Orench).
- In-situ neutron characterization of additively manufactured Ni superalloys. (Sandra Cabeza, Thilo Pirling, Thomas Hansen, Stanislav Savvin, Ines Puente).
- Hydrostatic pressure effect on the magnetic transitions in Tm2Fe17: a magnetic and neutron diffraction study.(J.L Garrido-Álvarez, J. López, I. Puente Orench, G.J. Cuello, J.L. Sánchez
Llamazares, J.A. Blanco, P. Gorria Korres, P. Álvarez-Alonso).