A Switchable Molecular Rotator: Neutron Spectroscopy Study on a Polymeric Spin-Crossover Compound.
A quasielastic neutron scattering and solid-state H-2 NMR spectroscopy study of the polymeric spin-crossover compound {Fe(pyrazine)[Pt(CN)(4)]} shows that the switching of the rotation of a molecular fragment- the pyrazine ligand-occurs in association with the change of spin state. The rotation switching was examined on a wide time scale (10(-13)-10(-3) s) by both techniques, which clearly demonstrated the combination between molecular rotation and spin-crossover transition under external stimuli (temperature and chemical). The pyrazine rings are seen to perform a 4-fold jump motion about the coordinating nitrogen axis in the high-spin state. In the low-spin state, however, the motion is suppressed, while when the system incorporates benzene guest molecules, the movements of the system are even more restricted.